Marriage is the best thing in my life. When we openly and privately express our love for each other it only serves to strengthen our relationships. When I am actively thinking of ways to tell my husband how much I love him, it makes me love him more. I realize how happy he makes me and I appreciate everything about him. I see things and think, "How can I use that object to tell him I love him?" This makes me think of him all the time. It makes our marriage stronger and it makes us both happier.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Wedding Shower Invitation

 My niece Natalie is getting married next month. Charis is hosting a shower for her in a couple of weeks. She came over last night to have me find an invitation for her. It seems that I am often in charge of the invitations for showers and things. I really should have all my invitations stored in one place on my computer. But alas, I don't so I had to search. I know these aren't recipes, but I decided if I put them all on my blog, I'll know where they are if someone asks. I'm just putting the ideas on, not the actual invitations. Charis is using an invitation that I made for a shower for my nephew a couple of years ago. She just switched the names.


Ashley's getting married.
Stephen is the groom.
After that, they'll be off
To share their honeymoon.

Then they'll live together
With all the joy that marriage brings.
But, when they're starting out,
They will need a lot of different things.

They'll need towels & cups, pot & pans,
And pillows, spoons and such.
Some plates & sheets & baking stuff,
They really need so much.

They'll need things to clean the house with,
Food for Breakfast,Dinner & Lunch
So that is why, we're having
A Bridal Shower Brunch

We want to help them to prepare
And we want to have some fun.
We'd really like to see you.
We hope that you can come.

Firsts Shower

 This is a fun theme for a shower. Each guest is assigned a different "first". They are supposed to bring a gift for the couples first experiences together a married couple. You can just switch the names out on the invitation. Make sure to fill in the blank with a different first on each invitation.


Adam and Lara are soon to be wed.
Brand new paths they are going to tread.
It's a whole now world, a world of firsts.
They are so excited, they are ready to burst.

having a shower to help them prepare
For some of the first adventures they'll share.
Please bring a gift that will help get them through
Some of the things that to them are brand new.

Please bring something for their first _________.

First Shower Ideas

first breakfast
first lunch
first dinner
first snack
first time entertaining in laws
first time entertaining friends
first Family Home Evening
first game
first night
first chance to relax
first boring night at home
first date after the wedding/honeymoon
first fight
first emergency
first illness
first injury
first finals week
first garden
first home repair
first car repair
first car wash
first house cleaning
first kitchen
first bathroom
first home decoration
first picnic
first vacation
first camping trip
first holiday
Valentine's Day
Fourth of July

Double Shower Invitation

 2006 was the year of the weddings at our house. We had 4 kids get married in 8 months. Three of the weddings were in 2 months. In addition to our own kids that got married, we had several nieces and nephews get married, as well. It was a busy, crazy time. But it was a ton of fun. Because there was so much going on it was difficult to fit everything in. So as a result, Charis and Rosalie had a combined neighborhood wedding shower. and Rosalie and Kristen had a combined family shower. It worked out nicely, however, I wouldn't recommend a double shower if you have different guest lists. Everybody that was invited to the shower for Charis & Rosalie knew them both so things went very smoothly. Almost everyone at Rosalie and Kristen's shower knew them both, so things went well there too. It has been a lot of fun getting to know my children in law. They have added so much to our family.


Rosalie's getting married.
Kristen will be, too.
They're both so excited.
They can't believe it's true.

Two beautiful brides.
Two handsome grooms.
Two wedding days.
Two honeymoons.

Two wedding cakes.
Two wedding gowns.
Two sets of rings.
Two different towns.

One bridal shower
For both to share.
We really hope
You can be there!

Absentee Baby Shower Invitation

 Josh & Sarah, and Rosalie & Tom, all moved out of state when they got married. Consequently, their babies have all been born out of state as well. When their first babies were due, neither of them had plans to come back home any time before the babies came. So, we decided to have a baby shower for them without them attending. We had people bring their gifts unwrapped and so we could all see what they were getting. Then we had them wrap them and make cards for them at the shower. we delivered the gifts when we went to see the babies. We also had a quilt on for people to work on. 

All the food we served were baby themed. We had baby carrots, sweet little tomatoes, sweet peas, mini cheesecakes, sweetheart tarts, bouncing baby cheese balls, shrimp salad and Squirt.


Josh and Sarah soon will have
A brand new bundle of joy.
The doctor tells them it will be
A bouncing baby boy.


Josh And Sarah soon will have
A brand new little one.
She will be a lot of work,
But also lots of fun.

Although they are so far away,
Their needs could not be greater.
We'll have a shower just for them.
You can visit with them later.

We know it may seem rather strange
That they will not attend.
But then again, you never know,
We could start a whole new trend.

Please bring your gift unwrapped
So that everyone can see
The kinds of things that they receive
For their brand new baby!

We'll wrap the presents at the shower.
You can bring paper, ribbon and bows.
Or we will have some you can use.
It could be quite fun -- who knows?

Then we'll send them in the U.S. Mail,
FedEx or U.P.S.
And hope they get them in plenty of time,
So their baby they can dress.

“MTC” Poem

 So, this isn't a Valentine,. I just need someplace to store this so I don't lose it again. It was on our old computer, but it crashed and now it's gone. Luckily, Dallin had a copy. 

When Josh was in the MTC, he wrote us a letter about the irony of being at the MTC (empty sea) learning to be a fisher of men. I don't know if he came up with the idea or if it was something someone told him. 
A few years later, when Charis had friends that were going on missions, she decided that it would be fun to send them packages of different kinds of fish: Swedish fish, gummy fish, gummy whales, Goldfish crackers and of course Sardines, along with a poem about the Empty Sea they were currently fishing at. She asked if I could write a poem for her. This is what I came up with. We often send it to the missionaries we know (along with a small box of goodies).
MTC Poem
You have been called as a fisher of man. 
The Lord expects you to give all that you can.
Now as you serve in the vast "Empty Sea" (MTC)
With 4000 fishermen, not one fish will there be.
You'll work very hard, many things you will learn,
And then at the end, your fishing license you'll earn.
Then out in the world souls are waiting for you
To bring them the Gospel, To teach them what's true.
So, while at the vast "Empty Sea" you are found,
Establish yourself on good, solid ground.
Work hard, learn a lot, with patience prepare. 
So you will be ready, The Gospel to share.
(Copyright Christine Strong 2001)

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