Marriage is the best thing in my life. When we openly and privately express our love for each other it only serves to strengthen our relationships. When I am actively thinking of ways to tell my husband how much I love him, it makes me love him more. I realize how happy he makes me and I appreciate everything about him. I see things and think, "How can I use that object to tell him I love him?" This makes me think of him all the time. It makes our marriage stronger and it makes us both happier.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rice Hot Packs

Rice Packs are the greatest invention ever. You can put them in the freezer and they make good ice packs or you can throw them in the microwave for 2 or 3 minutes and they make great hot packs. They are wonderful for sore muscles or cold feet. And you can use them over and over and over. You can easily make your honey one with the pattern found here or you can make up your own. You can also fill them with dry corn.
Make sure you warm it up before you give it to them.


  1. I just love these! We might make these this weekend!!

  2. Are you kidding me! A blog to Valentines...Brilliant! We are doing the 14 days of love...stop by!


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