Marriage is the best thing in my life. When we openly and privately express our love for each other it only serves to strengthen our relationships. When I am actively thinking of ways to tell my husband how much I love him, it makes me love him more. I realize how happy he makes me and I appreciate everything about him. I see things and think, "How can I use that object to tell him I love him?" This makes me think of him all the time. It makes our marriage stronger and it makes us both happier.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Jump Start Your Heart

Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be.
--Robert Browning

What could be more romantic than having a long and healthy life with the people you love. Valentines is a good time to start or to recommit to taking care of your heart and the rest of yourself. I know that personally, I was being really good at exercizing and eating right until the holidays came. Then I got too busy and there was too much good food around and I lost all my will power. I am going to recommit to taking care of myself so that I will be around to share my life with my husband and my kids and my grandkids. They mean too much to me to cut my time with them short.
So in your indeavors to show your love to those around you, be careful. Limit the amount of junk you feed them. I know almost every food in this blog is probably bad for your heart, so use discretion. Mix things up a little. Give them treats one day and something else another day.
Show them how much you love them by taking care of yourself and them, so you can be around for a very long time.

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